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Caring Hearts

Vibroacoustic Therapy


Vibroacoustic Therapy: A Revolutionary Healing Approach

Vibroacoustic Therapy (VAT) is a type of sound therapy that involves passing pure low frequency sound wave vibrations into the body via a device with embedded speakers. It was first established in the 1980s by the Norwegian educator and therapist, Olav Skille. Research in Europe and throughout North America has shown that audio waves in the range of 30Hz -120Hz transmitted through the vibroacoustic device have a very positive effect on various systems of the body. Recognized research institutions and government entities have all funded and published efficacy based research regarding vibroacoustic technology and therapy.

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Price Details

30 minutes: $45

1 hour: $75

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Since the human body is greater than 70% water and sound travels 5x more efficiently through water than through air, sound frequency stimulation directly into the body is an efficient mechanism for total body immersion at a cellular level.

The Food and Drug Administration has approved vibroacoustic therapy for increasing circulation, pain relief, and increasing mobility. Vibroacoustic therapy is also being evaluated to treat a number of conditions including fibromyalgia, cerebral palsy and Alzheimer's Disease.

InnerSoul Tranquility Liquid Sound Table

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The sound gently permeates the cells allowing massage from inside as well as out. Our bodies are nearly 70% water. Water transmits the sound and vibrations efficiently to our bodies while you float in incredible comfort on the water waves as your body is bathed in soothing Sound and relaxing vibroacoustic vibrations. InnerSoul Tranquility Liquid Sound Tables provide style and comfort combined with new Advanced Technology Transducers offering the most sophisticated sound delivery system for reducing stress, alleviating physical pain and creating a space for deep meditation.

The Advanced Technology Transducers deliver the vibration so cleanly that the brain interprets the stimulus as Sound, not Shaking, creating a blissful experience and journey.