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Caring Hearts

Mental Health & Holistic Wellness

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caring hearts image

We believe that by prioritizing mental health, we can help build a better world.

  • anxiety

  • depression

  • trauma

  • neglect

  • ptsd

  • insomnia

  • grief & loss

  • abuse

  • social skills

  • social skills

  • abuse

  • grief & loss

  • insomnia

  • ptsd

  • neglect

  • trauma

  • depression

  • anxiety

  • social skills

  • abuse

  • grief & loss

  • insomnia

  • ptsd

  • neglect

  • trauma

  • depression

  • anxiety

  • anxiety

  • depression

  • trauma

  • neglect

  • ptsd

  • insomnia

  • grief & loss

  • abuse

  • social skills

Find The Support You Deserve Today

We are here to assist you with your individual needs and transformational journey

sound therapy
sound therapy
sound therapy
stacked rocks therapy

Our Mission

Caring For Growth

It is our MISSION at Caring Hearts Counseling Services and Sound CARRIEs Sound Therapy Studio to guide and assist you in your self-healing process, to awaken, transmute and birth what is essential to your evolving self.

Through diverse vibration healing modalities as well as psychotherapy & Play Therapy services offered, we promote present moment awareness to foster a soul-aligned life. Our commitment and passion to serving those in need make us ideally suited to serve you, your child and/or your family. We love being a part of the change and awakening process as we all learn and grow.

Our Story

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Meet The Team

Meet some of our amazing team. We support and value individuals who are passionate about what we do and dedicated to delivering the best results for our clients.

Frequently Asked Questions